Plan your own screening program with the help of our colleagues!
Our time- and cost-saving program effectively identifies potential unknown health problems and risks at around half the usual screening price.
Our special package offers can also be extended with low-priced additional tests. No need to compromise between health and price. Choose IQB Medical’s LONG LIFE screening program, the best value-for-money health screening service in Hungary today.
If you have any questions, please contact us, ask for a health mentor or request a call back. Based on your medical history, lifestyle and health risk factors, our colleague will make recommendations for your individual screening package.
Long Life Bronze Screening Package
Contents of bronze health screening package:
- Internal medicine examination:
taking a detailed individual and lifestyle questionnaire, taking a family history, with particular regard to the incidence of vascular and tumor diseases. - Measurement of waist and hip circumference,
- Weight and height measurement,
- Vision test, (acuity test, color loss screening),
- Measurement of blood pressure,
- 12-lead ECG examination.
- Chest X-ray for lung screening
- Laboratory test:
blood count,
blood sugar,
total cholesterol,
liver function,
kidney function.
We recommend this package to clients who want to have a basic screening or are unsure about which package to choose. Our health mentor can also provide you with sensible advice on which screening tests to have, based on your age, family history, medical conditions and lifestyle.

The Bronze screening test package can be supplemented with a customized health program.
In Hungary, IQB Medical is the only company that offers a genetically-based, individualised, long-term screening program with DNA testing.
The professional protocol of the Health Preservation and Health Promotion Plan increases the effectiveness of screening and the possibility of early detection due to the individualised screening regimen. For more information on the Costumized Health Program, click here..
Long Life Silver Screening Package
Contents of the Silver health screening package:
- Internal medicine examination:
taking a detailed individual and lifestyle questionnaire, taking a family history, with particular regard to the incidence of vascular and tumor diseases - Measurement of waist and hip circumference,
- Weight and height measurement,
- Vision test, (acuity test, color loss screening),
- Measurement of blood pressure,
- 12-lead ECG examination.
- Chest X-ray for lung screening
- Pulse oximeter test (resting)
- Laboratory test:
blood count,
blood sugar,
total cholesterol,
LDL, - liver function,
kidney function,
PSA tumor marker test in men over 40 (qualitative),
thyroid marker test in women (qualitative). - Ultrasonography:
abdominal and pelvic examination,
ultrasound examination of the prostate in men,
In women, breast diagnostics (breast ultrasound). - Dermatology screening test
- Metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular risk screening with a dietitian
- Discussion of findings, counseling within 30 days in person or using telemedicine
The Silver package includes a more comprehensive package of examinations. In addition to the basic package, we offer our clients the opportunity to undergo a number of specialist screening tests, as well as ultrasound and other diagnostic tests. You have the possibility of a free consultation within 30 days, during which you will have the opportunity to discuss your findings and receive advice in one session.

The Silver screening test package can be supplemented with a customized health program.
In Hungary, IQB Medical is the only company that offers a genetically-based, individualised, long-term screening program with DNA testing.
The professional protocol of the Health Preservation on and Health Promotion Plan increases the effectiveness of screening and the possibility of early detection due to the individualised screening regimen. For more information on the Costumized Health Program, click here.
Long Life Gold Screening Package
Contents of the Gold health screening package:
- Internal medicine examination:
taking a detailed individual and lifestyle questionnaire, taking a family history, with particular regard to the incidence of vascular and tumor diseases,
measurement of waist and hip circumference,
weight and height measurement,
vision test, (acuity test, color loss screening),
measurement of blood pressure, - 12-lead ECG examination.
- Chest X-ray for lung screening.
- Pulse oximeter test (resting).
- Laboratory test:
blood count,
blood sugar,
total cholesterol,
liver function,
kidney function,
fecal blood test over 45 years,
PSA tumor marker test in men over 40 (qualitative),
TSH, thyroid marker test in women (qualitative). - Ultrasonography:
abdominal and pelvic examination,
thyroid gland and cervical soft tissue ultrasound,
ultrasound examination of the prostate in men,
in women, breast diagnostics, breast ultrasound. - Dermatology screening test Cardiology screening test
- Otorhinolaryngology screening test
- Metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular risk screening with a dietitian
- Insulin resistance test, screening for diabetes tendency with a dietician
- Checking immunity against SARS-CoV-2 Summary result in written form
- Summary of the findings in written form. Consultation within 30 days in person or via telemedicine
Our Gold screening package includes a full health and fitness assessment and health risk analysis.

The Gold screening test package can be supplemented with a customized health program.
In Hungary, IQB Medical is the only company that offers a genetically-based, individualised, long-term screening program with DNA testing.
The professional protocol of the Health Prevention and Health Promotion Plan increases the effectiveness of screening and the possibility of early detection due to the individualised screening regimen. For more information on the Costumized Health Program, click here.
How can you contact us?
H-1025 Budapest, Törökvész Road 87-91. 3rd floor.